
The actual process of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves improving the position of a website in the search results given by popular search engines like Google and Yahoo! The benefits of SEO include attracting a larger traffic by increasing the visibility of your sites that in turn increases your sales. However, there are certain aspects that even experts forget sometimes. This article aims at pointing out some of those.

Mistake #1: One of the major mistakes that ruin many potential website is to stuff content with too much keyword. This makes the content to lose professionalism and makes it to sound like a mere advertisement rather than being informative.

Mistake#2: Another technical glitch is using flash or too many frames in a website. This makes it difficult for the prowlers of search engines to read the content on a website

Mistake#3: It is not a good idea to keep making changes for a website too often. It is because search engines take a while to assess a website and rank in it. So, changing too much too often puts the ranking of a website at risk.

Mistake#4: A website with a greater number of internal links is also prone to danger of getting kicked out of the index of a search engine. For example, Google allows just 100 internal links but it is always to restrict this to one-fourth of the allowed number.

Mistake#5: A good Search engine optimizer must not only take care of the text but must also take care of images as this forms a part of the content as a whole. ALT tags to be given in the images are often ignored that may sometime turn it difficult for browsers to make out things if the image is complicated. It is a general fact that search engine spiders read even these as they prowl through web pages. So, whether it is applicable elsewhere or not it is aptly suits this industry that a picture is worth a thousand words.

Mistake#6: Putting poor quality content to the web pages is yet another blunder that has to be avoided by SEOs. Sometimes, softwares that duplicate an article are used to create a lot of spin articles. This is as wrong as plagiarism and direct copying. On along term basis, it proves harmful to the website and destroys its reputation.

I hope the message would have reached every one of you, who were committing these errors knowingly or un-knowingly. Take it seriously, optimize to perfection, get on top!


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