
Can a book have a more philosophical title than this?
At the first glance, this book seemed to be a philosophical sermon of some sort. But, as I started reading it I came to know about how this book is a separate genre by itself. People at the bookstores would have had a tough time in categorizing it on their shelves.

Is it a memoir? It is a book on psychiatry? Or is it just a section of a history book? Don’t judge a book by its cover they say and this is quite true with this book.       

There are only a few books that I have come across whose contents stand up to justify their alluring titles. “The Shapes of Design” is one such book that goes beyond just doing what it is meant to do! 

A few years back I got to read some random pages of Edward De Bono’s “How to have a beautiful mind” and “Lateral Thinking“ . Since then I had a curiosity about his ideas and wanted to read one of his books from cover to cover.  I simply wanted to  go for  “ Think Before Its  too late”  because I could relate it to my procrastination towards reading his books and I thought to myself  “Read it Before it’s too late” !    

Are you one of those bibliophiles who have an appetite for applied neuroscience and cognition without getting intimidated by the technical complexities of the subject?