
With so much discussion and debate going on about the climate change and initiatives being taken to be more conscious of the impact we have on the environment, it is no wonder that many of the top web hosting companies are taking the lead to "Go Green". The question is what does it mean for a hosting company to go green or to be considered a green web host? Before finding an answer for this you should understand the impact that web hosting industry has on the environment.

When you sign up for hosting, your website is placed on one of the hosting company servers. Depending on the size of the web hosting company

The transition from school to college is an inevitable thing in one’s life. The transition usually begins with a season of filling slam books, sharing farewell photographs and hours of brainstorming on choosing a proper course and place of study for the next few years and ends up when one gets used to bunking classes, taking notes in the classes, doing more reference work for study, hanging out at canteen frequently and may be it is complete after getting an answer for the question- "How to utilize the newly found freedom and time in a proper manner?"

Almost everything changes in a student’s life right from the mode of transportation (from cycles to motorbikes or even car if the family is wealthy!) to the attitude inside the classroom. You get respect from people around you including your parents and teachers during this phase and it becomes one’s responsibility to keep it up. A rapid transformation comes both physically as well as mentally and the approach to studies at college makes even below average students at school to be toppers. A deep desire to learn things comes out of interest for a better career in the place of rote learning done at school level just for getting marks.

For some, this transition becomes a smooth one but for others it becomes a smooth one only after some struggle. A lot of lessons like marks are not the only thing for a prosperous future but it is how we portray ourselves to the world are learnt in the first few days. A change in the lifestyle occurs, life which was once like living in a secured shell at the school level takes a new shape with exposure and the responsibility to be careful and stay away from drugs and other habits that may spoil one’s life coming into place. Once this transition gets over resulting in a positive transformation then the rest of the college life becomes a season of joy, love, friendship and a pleasurable learning experience.

Portugal: The Western Most Nation Of Europe

Portugal is a land bisected by the rivers flowing from Spain on the east. It is a place that gives you a varied experience ranging from beaches to rugged mountains and from countryside to busy cities. Taking even the overseas territories of Azores and Madeira Islands into account, the total area in square kilometers is found to be slightly lesser than the Indiana state of US

"Success comes to a writer, as a rule,
so gradually that it is always something of a shock to him to look back
and realize the heights to which he has climbed."

- P.G. Wodehouse

I don't know, may be even you might have the same belief as many others that there is nothing more awful in this universe than getting struck in a traffic jam for hours. Yes it is, especially when you are heading to some important work or a meeting. It becomes even more terrible if you live in a city where this is not a strange sight. So, you have to learn to deal with it and also to keep moving

“Scientists” are those who are often quoted as experts, but it is not necessary they must be perfect all the time. It is because they are also basically human beings too. It is our misconception that we always put them on a higher platform. Although, some minor mistakes are pardonable, here are a few that question the basic understandings of science.